What is AI and Why is it Important for Your Business?
Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more present in today’s society. What is it and why is it important for your business? Click to read more.
Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more present in today’s society. What is it and why is it important for your business? Click to read more.
Artificial Intelligence is powering technology. Here are 10 innovative ways to incorporate AI in tourism.
Modern technology is continuously evolving and Artificial Intelligence is game changer. Here are some profound effects it has on the travel and tourism industry.
Responsible Tourism was developed by Dr. Auliana Poon, Managing Director of Leve Global, in 1996, when she developed the Tourism White Paper for South Africa.
Responsible Tourism was developed by Dr. Auliana Poon, Managing Director of Leve Global, in 1996, when she developed the Tourism White Paper for South Africa.
Responsible Tourism was developed by Dr. Auliana Poon, Managing Director of Leve Global, in 1996, when she developed the Tourism White Paper for South Africa
COVID-19 is rapidly depleting the older generations, many become fearful of travel even more than before. New travellers are the key to COVID-19 recovery.
COVID-19 can help tourism to re-invent itself. This re-invention calls for the acceleration of a Paradigm Shift in the travel and tourism industry.
All Blog Posts Posted December 3rd 2020 By Dr. Auliana Poon 1 Minutes Read Share Export is the Lifeblood of Small Island Developing States SIDS Depend on Foreign Exchange for Survival Small Island Developing States (SIDS) desperately need to export – they depend on foreign exchange for survival. SIDS are too small to economically produce everything they need – from seeds, tools machinery and equipment, to vehicles, medical supplies and higher education, foreign exchange is critically needed to secure needed… Read More »Export is the Lifeblood of Small Island Developing States
For decades, sustainable development was the ‘buzz’ word for travel and tourism. Move over sustainability. Here comes regenerative, responsible and resilient development. Read more…