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Diagonal Integration

All Blog Posts Posted December 3rd 2020 By Dr. Auliana Poon 4 Minutes Read Share Diagonal Integration The New ‘Best Practice’ for Competitiveness What is Diagonal Integration? Diagonal integration is the process by which firms use technology to build platforms to get close to their targeted customers. Diagonal Integration is radically different from vertical and horizontal forms of integration. For eons, firms have integrated horizontally and vertically. They have even diversified their operations.  Today, driven by digitalisation and the need… Read More »Diagonal Integration

Export is the Lifeblood of Small Island Developing States

All Blog Posts Posted December 3rd 2020 By Dr. Auliana Poon 1 Minutes Read Share Export is the Lifeblood of Small Island Developing States SIDS Depend on Foreign Exchange for Survival Small Island Developing States (SIDS) desperately need to export – they depend on foreign exchange for survival. SIDS are too small to economically produce everything they need – from seeds, tools machinery and equipment, to vehicles, medical supplies and higher education, foreign exchange is critically needed to secure needed… Read More »Export is the Lifeblood of Small Island Developing States

leve global projects

Travel and Tourism needs to Come Clean

For decades, sustainable development was the ‘buzz’ word for travel and tourism. Move over sustainability. Here comes regenerative, responsible and resilient development. Read more…

Sustainability Was Yesterday

For decades, sustainable development was the ‘buzz’ word for travel and tourism. Move over sustainability. Here comes regenerative, responsible and resilient development. Read more…

A Comparison of Millennials with Hippies

All Blog Posts Posted November 27th 2020 By Auliana Poon 4.5 Minutes Read Share How Americans Think, Feel and Behave A Comparison of Hippies, Yuppies, Bobos, Generation X and Millennials Increasingly, psychographic factors (how people think, feel and behave) are important determinants of travel and spending behaviour.  Demographics (e.g. age, race and sex), should be analysed in conjunction with their psychographic. This will provide a truer picture of their travel and spending behaviour.  Customer demographics are especially important when we… Read More »A Comparison of Millennials with Hippies

Jamaica New Products, New Market Project

Assignment: On the heels of the completion of the National Export Strategy for Jamaica (developed by Leve Global) we were further commissioned to develop Marketing Plans and Capacity Building to assist SME exporters to understand key global market and consumer trends and to access new and non-traditional markets. Solution: For each product we identified 5 new/non-traditional markets. For each market we identified major opportunities for market penetration, carried out market research and developed a marketing implementation plan. In addition to… Read More »Jamaica New Products, New Market Project

Peru - Leve Global

Peru SME Training & Capacity Building

Assigment: Building Capacity for Small Tourism Operators in Peru to Attract German Travellers Germany is perhaps one of the most sophisticated and experienced travel markets in the world.  The sheer size of the German travelling population married with the socio-cultural necessity of holiday-taking among Germans, make Germany a very lucrative source market for many overseas destinations. However, access this mature market is not easy, especially for small and upcoming tourism operators. As such, Leve Global was commissioned by the Swiss… Read More »Peru SME Training & Capacity Building

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